What's Happening At Grace?
Weekly Bulletin:Join us For Our Services - Online Or On-Site - This Sunday!
Announcements For Sunday, February 2:
Make plans to come to as many of our services that you can this year, as each one will develop our theme for 2025: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness!” In our Adult Sunday School, we will continue our study through the book of Revelation; in our Sunday Morning Services, we will be going through a new series on the letter to the Ephesians; on Sunday nights, we will explore the doctrine of God's faithfulness in an in-depth way; and for our Prayer Meetings on Wednesday nights, we will look at some of the "exceeding great and precious promises" that God has given to us as His people!
This morning, in our Adult Sunday School class, we will continue looking at God’s final plans for His “Two Witnesses,” that we find in chapter 11 in our weekly study through the book of Revelation! Join us each week as we learn more about Jesus, as the “Faithful and True Witness!” During our Morning Worship Service, we will observe the Lord's Supper together! Be sure to prepare your heart and mind for this important memorial, as we remember the great sacrifice Jesus Christ made when He died on the cross for our sins. Don’t Forget! Our Greenfield Healthcare Service for February will be this afternoon starting at 3:00 pm. This continues to be a great opportunity to encourage the residents through the Lord and His Word! Be sure to keep this Sunday afternoon open every month! Tonight, we are also planning to have our Annual Members’ Meeting, immediately following our Evening Service. We will be considering the budget for 2025, among a few other items of business. Be sure to pick up a copy of the budget proposal from the table in the foyer. We would like to thank everyone who had a part in our Cottage Prayer Meetings through the month of January! Starting this Wednesday, we will return to having our Prayer Meetings right here at the church at our normal time of 7:00 pm! Please keep our Good News Club in prayer, as we head back this Tuesday, February 4th! If anyone else might be interested in serving this semester, even in a substitute capacity, please let Pastor know. Attention Men! Our next Men’s Bible Study will meet this Saturday, February 8th. We will meet right here at the Church, from 8:30 - 10:00 am, and we will be considering 1 Timothy 4:11 - 5:2. Make plans to join us as we share and discuss what we’ve learned! Please Note: In the event of severe weather or other service interruptions, updates will be put on our home page. Monthly Missionary Focus: Scott & Kathy Murphy Take 20 For 2025 Readings For February 3 - February 9 OT: Genesis 31-41 NT: Matthew 24-28 Psalms 19-21 |
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